The Shift Of Blame | Common Automotive Issues Blamed On The Transmission

Because of the substantial size of a transmission problem and the excessive price tag for replacement, transmission failure is a worry that is always tickling the back of an automobile owner's mind. This constant nag of fear can inadvertently cause you to blame other motor issues entirely on the transmission. To be better capable of diagnosing issues in your car, it is a good idea to be fully aware of the ways in which it is common to try to shift the blame.

The Non-Mechanic Guide To Automobile Engine Parts And Common Failures

If your car is experiencing mechanical problems, then you are likely worried that the engine has failed. In order to troubleshoot your car's problem, you should learn some basic information about each part of your car's motor. This is important so that you will: know when mechanical problems start be able to identify the parts under your car's hood be able to speak intelligently with your automobile mechanic about problems Here is a listing of all of the parts of your car's engine and their most common issues:

How To Increase The Lifespan Of Your Car's Tires

Car tires are the part of the car that receives the most damage with use, as they are in direct contact with the road. Over time, car tires will wear down as the rubber and treads are worn away, which means that the tires will no longer grip the road as well as they should, which can be a safety hazard. Replacing tires, however, can be expensive. Thankfully, if you want to extend the lifespan of your car's tires, there are a number of things that you can do.

3 Facts About Car Repairs That You Never Knew

Car repairs can be expensive and one of the worst parts of owning a car. Fortunately, if you work with the right team to repair your car, a fix should keep it running and keep you happy. If you've ever wondered how much car repairs cost on average or why cars seem to need to be repaired less often now, then these facts may answer your questions.  Car Repair Costs: The Average

Avoid These Three Mistakes To Protect Your Transmission

Before manufacturers started putting automatic transmissions in vehicles around the country, manual transmissions were the only choice available. Today, it seems as if less and less people are driving vehicles with this type of transmission. Even though the number of vehicles that have these transmissions will probably continue to decline as more people switch to automatic transmissions, there are still people who love being able to shift through the gears on the open road.